
Check out our blog for tips and stories about taking care of pets.

How To Help Your Dog Lose Weight

How To Help Your Dog Lose Weight

In recent times, the issue of overweight dogs, and how to help your dog lose weight, has become a significant concern for pet owners. in this article we will address this issue and provide solutions..

Is Raw Dog Food Safe? – New Explosive Study

Is Raw Dog Food Safe? – New Explosive Study

In the realm of pet nutrition, the discourse around raw dog food safety continues to ignite passionate debates. Detractors assert the absence of concrete scientific evidence...



we'll delve into the implications of this new law and its importance in protecting our beloved pets. Pet owners need to understand that those who engage in pet theft could FACE JAIL TIME

Why the USA Faces a Critical Shortage of Vets

Why the USA Faces a Critical Shortage of Vets

In recent years, the United States has been grappling with a critical shortage of vets , posing a significant challenge in the realm of veterinary care. This...

Dog Kidney failure when to Euthanize

Dog Kidney failure when to Euthanize

Having to euthanize your dog is heartbreaking, but sometimes dog owners have no other choice than to opt for euthanasia.

When should an aggressive Dog be Euthanized?

When should an aggressive Dog be Euthanized?

Euthanizing your pet is one of the most challenging things, and after keeping in mind that you had adopted that dog when he was a puppy and watched him grow,...

Can Cats eat Popcorn?

Can Cats eat Popcorn?

So if you own a cat, you most probably wonder, " can cats eat popcorn ?" And in this article, we are going to tell you everything concerning cats and popcorn.

Can Dogs eat Tortillas?

Can Dogs eat Tortillas?

Amongst all the delicious food items that your dog adores, if you give him the delightful treat of tortillas, this article is absolutely perfect for you.

Can Dogs eat Cheetos?

Can Dogs eat Cheetos?

We often feed the foods we eat to our pets. But are these human food good for your dogs to consume? Most of the time we crave for cheese puffs like Cheetos...

When to Euthanize a dog with Hemangiosarcoma

When to Euthanize a dog with Hemangiosarcoma

Pets bring happiness in our life, they become our best friends. But the life span of our pets are shorter than us humans, dogs usually live for 10-13 years...

Can Cats Eat Marshmallows?

Can Cats Eat Marshmallows?

So you are a cat parent, and you are in a baffling dilemma " Can cats have marshmallows ?" Well, let us tell you a short simple, and crisp answer No, cats...

Can Dogs Eat Okra and What are the Benefits?

Can Dogs Eat Okra and What are the Benefits?

As a pet parent, it's natural to worry about what your furry friend is eating. You might be wondering, can dogs eat okra? It's a question I've asked myself...

When to put a dog down with Cushing’s Disease

When to put a dog down with Cushing’s Disease

Cushing's disease isone of the terminal illnesses, and it does not have any permanent solution. Therefore it is an end-stage disease and can hardly ever be...

how to euthanize a dog with benadryl

how to euthanize a dog with benadryl

Euthanasia is a sort of mercy killing, i.e. killing your pet without any pain. The below-mentioned blog is a guide on how to Euthanize your dog with Benadryl.

Understanding the Legal Limits of Dog Barking in the US

Understanding the Legal Limits of Dog Barking in the US

Ever been kept awake by a neighbor's dog barking into the wee hours of the night? It's not just a nuisance, it's a question of legality. While there's no...

This Is Why My Dog Is Acting Weird

This Is Why My Dog Is Acting Weird

Ever noticed your furry friend acting out of sorts and wondered, "why is my dog acting weird?" It's a common question that plagues many pet owners. Dogs...

Why Shih Tzu May Not Be the Ideal Dog Breed: 16 Reasons Explained

Why Shih Tzu May Not Be the Ideal Dog Breed: 16 Reasons Explained

Are you considering bringing a Shih Tzu into your home? Well, before you make that decision, let me share with you some eye-opening reasons why Shih Tzus may...

How to Euthanize a Dog with Tylenol pm

How to Euthanize a Dog with Tylenol pm

One of the most popular medicine to euthanize your dog is Tylenol pm. Below is the complete guide on how to euthanize a dog with Tylenol pm.