Dog Kidney failure when to Euthanize

By Alex •  Updated: 02/18/24 •  4 min read

Having to euthanize your dog is heartbreaking, but sometimes dog owners have no other choice than to opt for euthanasia.

It is essential to notice even the slightest changes in your dog. It is necessary to see the warnings of disorders and ailments in your dog so that he can be treated as early and efficiently.

One such familiar disease among aged dogs is kidney failure. Almost like humans, dog’s kidneys take out some aspects of the blood and filter waste materials out of the body.

Dogs acquire these kidney difficulties when they ingest toxic substances, overdose some prescribed medicines.

Some kidney diseases have quick solutions and can be treated by medications and surgeries, but some chronic kidney diseases are harder and lethal to treat.

There are two types of kidney failure:

● Chronic kidney failure: It is a slow process. It is said that it can never be cured. It can be treated with medication and dialysis.

 Acute kidney failure: It is an abrupt process. If diagnosed soon enough, there are chances to cure it.

Causes of Kidney failure in Dogs

● Substances that reduce blood flow can easily harm kidneys and may result in kidney failure.

● Dehydration may be caused by vomiting and diarrhea or less intake of fluids.

● Infection in kidney tissues and cells might result in kidney failures.

● Intake of the toxic substance may cause kidney failures.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Dogs

Some symptoms shown by dogs suffering from kidney failures are:

● Dogs may consume water more
● Diarrhea and vomiting
● You might notice blood while your dog is urinating
● Pale gums
● Your dog might lose weight
● You might see a loss in your dog’s appetite
● You might notice a strange scent of the breath of your dog
● Your dog might fumble
● You might notice your dog’s hair is shedding more than usual.

If you notice any of the following symptoms in your dog, you should take him to a vet clinic right away, as it may cause reduced blood flow and urinary infection in the kidneys of dogs.

Treatment of Kidney failure in Dogs

The treatments available for kidney failures are providing needed medications and, in some cases, surgeries.

● Your dog may be put on dialysis for removing waste substances out of his system.

● Some supplements are used to improve kidney breakouts like omega-three fatty acids, also known as fish oil.

● Other than this, ACE inhibitors are used for reducing stress and depression.

● Vitamin B and C complexes are used to stimulate lost nutrition.

When is the right time to euthanize your dog?

After medications, surgeries, and all feasible remedies, if your dog’s condition does not improve and keeps getting worse, you might need to say goodbye.

If your dog’s health is not stable and he is in pain, the only way to help him is to let him go. Sometimes kidney failures are so deadly that dogs are unable to eat and drink, that is your clue of freeing him of his pain and stress through euthanasia.

It will take a lot of strength as letting go of the dog who has been with you through thick and thin is not an easy task. Your love and care will matter the most to him in these last innings of his life. You will need the assistance of vet professionals. Euthanasia is the procedure that will bring a peaceful death to your dog.

Two injections do euthanasia; the first one is used to make your dog go into a sweet and sound sleep, and the other one gently stops the heart from beating, and within seconds all of his pain washes away, and he is gone.


Alex, the founder of, He created to help pets live healthier through better food. He combines his love for animals and research to guide pet owners in choosing the right meals for their pets.

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